This is the time of year when I think that people should make their New Year's resolutions, but that's only my opinion. However; I will do something better than that this year.
If you define a resolution it is usually something that you want to change about yourself, something you've done wrong in the past that you want to start doing right.
I personally think that I would do better if I made unresolutions. I will make a list of things that I've been doing and I'd like to keep doing. Who needs all of that negativity just after the holidays? Times are rough, why would I make them any more harder for myself? Especially on the most favorite person that I adore the most in the world? ME!
Unresolution #1 I am always on the computer. I play games, blog, search, read, download, and educate myself on the many wonders of the computer. It is the best friend of mine among the electronic gadgets (right after the TV), and doesn't mind me abusing it and keeping it running for hours on end. Now, if only I could get it to talk back to me, I could stop bugging the hubby for some more stimulating conversations.
Unresolution #2I talk to strangers. I wave to strangers. I talk and wave to strangers and they learn more about my life than my own momma ever will. I do think that I got this trait from my momma however, who always turned a small shopping trip to the corner grocery into a family reunion of sorts. Ohh, she always talked to the store manager, the cashier, and the bagger who always wanted a tip. I grew up in a strange environment. However; it would turn every grocery trip into a little party. A party with lots of strangers, a cash register, and plenty of groceries.
Unresolution#3I make too little food at dinner time. Or so my children say so. I think they say that 'cause they want an excuse to be in the kitchen and cook some more after eating. Awww well, at least I never have dishes at night. They can handle that. I think.
Unresolution #4I wear flat shoes at all the time. I've been known to wear flip-flops in 30 degree weather. That's how much I
LOVE flats. The only time I am rarely 1/2" off the ground is when I am wearing sneakers. And I only pop those suckers on when I'm running after Tamara.
Unresoultion #5I love books. I love to read. I love to buy and read books. Books of all shapes, sizes, and topics. They overflow my bookshelves and my nightstand and sometimes outta nowhere they climb right into bed with me, right on the hubby's side of the bed. Of course, when he asks me I tell him I have no idea how those 2 dozen books managed to climb onto the bed and make themslves comfortable on his side of the bed. To me, having plenty of books to read is like traveling without baggage claim. There will never be any pages lost as long as you have your trusty bookmark and reading glasses. If your into that sort of thing.
Unresolution#6I don't hug my teens often. It like their is a hidden rule with teens simply stated; "give me space and don't hug me." I want to, but they keep giving me the
eye whenever I approach them with outstretch arms. So now maybe you understand why I am always at the computer.
Unresolution#7I don't talk to my immediate family on a daily basis. I have so much to do and so little time in which to do it, that it's hard to update them on a daily basis on the small, teeny changes that do happen in my life. But hey, when they do come and visit every so often, it's like a surprise party. And who
doesn't like to be surprised?
Unresolution #8I prefer to sleep alone most nights. Hubby thinks otherwise. So then if I am really not in the mood for touchy feely all night long then I start playing games 2 hours before bedtime. Hubby HATES the
'guess what mood I'm in?' game. Believe it or not it's a real turn off and I get to sleep alone. Well at least I get to wear flannel to bed and cuddle with my grey Koala bear without any funny stares.
Unresolution#9I don't attend any church, synagoue or mosque. I believe I am a spiritual being having a human experience instead of a human being trying to be spiritual. I have nothing against religion mind you, I just prefer to worship on my own terms.
Unresolution #10I sleep with my TV on. I know I don't get to see much with watching the back of my eyelids for a good 6-8 hours, but dang-it if I don't feel as if I know all of what's going on in the world after a good nights sleep. This way I figure, I never miss a thing and can't no one catch me by surprise. I already
heard it on TV while I was sleep.
In the end, our own personal happiness is about figuring out what makes us feel the most like ourselves, and living that way. To hell with what anybody else thinks.
So when you are making a list of resolutions, please make some unresolutions as well.
I think it will be a happier New Year if you do!
Of course, that's only my opinion.