Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

May 5, 2009 marks the 147th Cinco De Mayo.

I remember distinctly, when I was a child, some of my Spanish friends celebrating this holiday, but I vaguely remember why it was celebrated.

Personally I believe that it should be an American holiday as well, because 4,000Mexican soldiers smashed the French and Mexican army of 8,000 at Puebla, Mexico, 100 miles east of Mexico City, New Mexico on the morning of May 5, 1862. Kind of heroic huh?!? To know more, read here.

I wondered if I am qualified to celebrate. Some of my ancestors were Portuguese. :D


Carma Sez said...

You certainly qualify! party on :D

BIBI said...

LOL! Thanks Carma! Will do.

Speedcat Hollydale said...

I celebrate with my Chihuahua Mardy. He is Spanish ((smile))

Charles Gramlich said...

I grew up in Arkansas and never heard about Cinco de mayo until much later in my life.

Anonymous said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo to you, too! :)

Lucy said...

Isn't great to be an American!! Only here is the U.S.A would we celebrate another country's holiday (lol)!!!

Hope you enjoyed!

Drop by my blog for something special:)

Christine said...

thanks for the education. I never knew about cinqo de mayo, interesting!

Kelly said...

I think it's okay for you to celebrate. I know how to make killer nachos and have a lot of Mexican friends.

I celebrate! I had an enchilada @ my local Mexican spot!

WHOA KELLY! Slow down.

The Mind of a Mom said...

I say if you can pronounce the holiday and now one thing about it then you can celebrate it!! hahahaha

Hepburn Hilton said...

I think everybody qualifies to participate in festivities! let us know if you did, and hwo you did it :)