"I DO NOT like her, she is so average looking!"
Which I then replied:

We woman are all average Jane's'. We can multitask like no other. We get the job done. We can be sometimes very emotional, while laughing hysterically at the absurdness of it all. Those of us who have kids know the emotional ups and downs of having to think for them, you, and your partner while trying to do laundry, cook, and catch up on gossip with your girlfriend(s).
I love being an average Jane. Who doesn't?
I think that the average look escaped most of the Hollywood crowd though. Anyone see Janice Dickinson lately? Especially on 'I am A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here!'
One word: 'Collagen'.

Question : 'Why?' Boy the tabloids have nothing to talk about apparently. (Neither do I)
Unless you are Halle Berry and are blessed with good genes, a beautiful bod, and a gorgeous boyfriend. It doesn't help tha

But then again, there is the character Edna (played by John Travolta) in the movie version of 'Hairspray'. John Travolta is a scream in that film, and I had a soft spot in my heart for Edna, the overweight, loving wife/mother, trying to run a business at home to avoid any social interaction.
Hmmm... sounds a little like me after baby number 7 as I tried to hide from view.
But in all seriousness, hubs if I ever get that big and decide to stay at home, please just say my big sparkly moo-moo gown looks good on me. It'll do wonders to set the mood in the house.

Actors refuse to grow old gracefully and they are using "it is the industry's fault" Um, Actors, in their late twenties and thirties are now doing botox and other regiments, how sad. Actors in their forties are going nuts!
They all look plastic and yucky!! Not young, just freakish, it is sad!
Hehehee. I agree.
LoL Great post and I completely agree. :)
Huh- my husband says Anne Hathaway is prettier than Angelina Jolie! Of course, he has always had "interesting" taste in women... he always thinks the smarter looking ones are prettier (which I love).
Very well stated. I like being a 'Plain Jane'. I have my quirks and uniqueness without sticking out in a crowd. Works for me!
I'm afraid that rumor has it that even Halle has had "work" done *gasp* Not many Average Janes lurking about in Hollywood!
Since the age of 5 or 6, I wanted to act. I was very insecure, taller than my sibs and slender. I was only 5'8" which isn't very tall at all, but compared to my fam, I was lanky and awkward. I wanted their curves!! Badly! (Now I have those curves, only it's below the waist. ;D )
I'm average and I'm fine with that. It took a lot of growing up and maturing and I still have my moments of regret for not chasing my dreams thinking I was too awkward and ugly. I may not have made it, but the reasons I never tried were awful.
Hollywood has Average Janes here and there and when I see them on film or in commercials, I smile.
True, we have very little people in the business who let themselves age gracefully. Some can tough it out, but others feel the roles slip away and crumble under that pressure. It sucks that our little ones will probably be very image-conscious. We've got to monitor them and talk to them A LOT!
I tell ya', we are our own worst critic sometimes as well ...
given the current attraction to plastic surgery I'm expecting some really really strange looking humans in the next 20 to 30 years. When they do get old they won't look anything like a natural person.
I think Anne Hathaway is pretty attractive
Oh I'd kill to look like Anne any day! I am so with you in why do they pick on the girls and not the guy but more importantly what the freak happened to Janice! that is just all kinds of wrong!!
I can't say I'm a fan of Hathaway, but only because I don't think I've ever seen a movie of hers. I actually enjoy the 'average looking' celebrities more - maybe because I feel I can identify more?
I finally posted the award you gave me, sorry it took me so long - and I am also giving you one if you'd like to pick it up over at my blog. :) ::hugs!::
Indeed Lucy! Just imagine Joaquin Phoenix and how he looks now. Is he going for the average Joe award? Teeheee
I am glad that you do Ashley. I had to say it. It must be done. :)
Thanks Sheri! You are too kind. I still have some awards of yours and from others to post and put-up. I am such a sloooowww reader.
Hahaha Janna Bee! The hubs has what kind of taste?!? :D
Interesting indeed. I think Angelina Jolie is pretty, but very different so she sticks out. I think Anne has a certain 'American' look that makes me that she speaks for all of us who may not have all the hoochie mama looks but look pretty darn good just being us.
And it works for me too Kylie!
You are so right Carma! I forgot the 'search for the flaw and repair before anyone notices' rule in Hollywood. Not too many average Janes' in lala land at all.
But Anne Hathaway is by far one of the most ORIGINAL ones. I guess!
Truer words never spoken Akilah! I just had to smirk at myself when I reread my post.
We are sometimes our words critics!
Bwahahahaha Charles! That is a good one. I never gave it much thought, but imagine what surgery they will need in 20 - 30 years to repair the surgeries from the past! :D
I agree also Christine!
I know exactly what you mean Mom. And Janice is so wrong on all accounts!
I know exactly what you mean Rachel.
Anne is plain?? Then please make me plain like HER!! I love her, she is so real! And not all actors are doing the slice and dice, some do age as they are. Bruce Willis anyone? The Man is getting older and seems quite happy with it. And what about Harrison Ford? I don't think all Hollywood is looking into the scalpel a lot want to be LIKE the old Hollywood stars and age gracefully, and they DO it! Look at Diane Lane!!
I was looking at a photo spread of Anne recently and decided that she is such a breath of fresh air because she is classic. So if classic is plain, bring on the plain!
I am a total Plain Jane, which, living in beauty/youth/fame-obsessed Los Angeles is not always easy.
Good post! Thanks.
some people willing to do anything in order to be beautiful but sometimes it happen otherwise.
its just about the grateful matter :)
Anne is beautiful! Not avarage looking at all, she is like a classic beauty. Like Greta Garbo or Audrey Hepurn.
Hey Wendy girl!
I so totally agree on the Bruce Willis and Harrison Ford thing. And they young brides to prove it! =^)
So true Joyful! I love classic things and she IS just the perfect candidate to exhibit some classic and plain behavior. Love it!
Yes Joanna, I love the plain Jane's' myself. And how do you like living in L.A?
I lived in Cali long ago for a year and a half but it was in the high dessert. Anyone know Adelanto, California?!?
So true Faisal. I guess that is why plastic surgery is sooo popular in this day and age.
Since I know in this lifetime that I will never go under the scalpel unless the dentist is willing to something for free, I will never get any corrections on my bod! I have to either love it or leave it!
Audrey and Greta, hmmm...
Two classic babes who define what it is to be a lady under Hollywood's eyes.
Thanks for the comment Carina!
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