The DIVA and her little bro are home. Back from their long extended stay up in New York. They really enjoyed themselves and couldn't wait to go out and visit with their friends instead of update their momma on what they did in the 'Big Apple'.
I started classes again this summer on July 6. (gulp) I am taking a Political Science class (the teacher already hates me), and a beginner Spanish class (the teacher is lovely). It is going on week 3 and I already have one quiz due this week for my Political Science class.
The political arena is touchy. I am not a very political person, but I am strong in my convictions and my principles, and do not waver from my views unless human life is at stake. That's when I shut my mouth, and let the big dogs scrap it out!
The hubby and I are on a little break from the therapy sessions, and will resume by the end of the month. (snort) Who ever said married life was easy should be strapped to a hard back chair in a room alone, and made to listen to Vanilla Ice with the volume at full blast.
The other children on the BIBI home front are doing okay. Some can't wait until school starts, others want to bum around all day in front of the stupid box and burn their brain cells with as much useless info that they can fill their brain cavity up with.
I on the other hand watch the most educational things that we mommy's find so amusing.
Monday thru Friday 10 AM - Live with Regis and Kelly. My grandmother calls them the Gracie and George of our time. Except they are not married. I just watch to see if they will ever get my email and call me to talk live, on the phone with them so that I can win a prize. Shameless right?

Monday thru Friday 11 AM - The View. Barbara Walters and her posse always make me laugh. I hope Elizabeth drops that bundle soon so that we can see the little bundle of joy!
Tuesday and Wednesday 9 PM - America's Got Talent. Who does not watch that show for all the bad auditions?!?

Tuesday 10 PM - Tori and Dean. Love Tori. Love Dean. Ahhh... What the rich do when they have time on their hands.
Thursday 9 PM - She's Got The Look. Women over 35 looking sexy and doing their thing. There is hope for me yet!

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - If I am not carpooling to a friends house, sewing, doing homework, studying, cooking, washing clothes, or fixing a crumpled kids spirit 'cause they did not get what they wanted that week, then I tune to TCM for some old b&w movies.
Don't you just love the weekends?!?
Glad that you have 'resurfaced.' You sound very relaxed! I'm guilty of watching a little Regis & Kelly on occasion, too :D
Hello BIBI, I wish we have all the shows you listed, here on the other side of the world. As it is all we have is Oprah - I guess the show is already out of trend, and recycles of the Nanny, which I watch religiously to drain my brain.
Marriage "should" be easy.
Oh yes, do love weekends muchly. Bibi, if you have time between all your busyness, hop on over to momgrind at and see what she has to say about marriage. I'd love to see that show about women over 35, but I refuse to pay for TV, if it is not free to air, I not paying for it. Paying for the internet is enough payment for my liking, hehe. Have a great weekend.
I've missed you! Glad to hear you've been great, though, so all is forgiven. ;)
You go and kick butt in Poli-Sci, BIBI. We'll be waiting.
I loved beginner's language classes. Year one of Spanish and Year One of German were so fun! It is when all you are being pressured to learn are months and how to say the time, and all the good stuff. It is when you are in German 3 and they expect you to actually know how to speak the language and conjugate and stuff that I start to resent learning! LOL!
The Vanilla Ice comment made me crack up. I do love AGT but do not see how anyone can watch Tori! LOL
Glad you resurfaced!
I love a good political science class, have fun, all opinions count:)
I use to watch Regis and Kelli all the time, actually I watched Regis and Kathie Lee more, my mom has a huge crush on Regis!
I wish I wouldn't have read the comment about Vanilla Ice so close to lunch time.
Hey, BIBI!
I don't watch ANY of those shows you watch. Except for TCM. Those old b&w flicks are AWESOME!
They REALLY don't make 'em like they used to!
Good luck with school!
Hey Carma! I am TRYING to relax. Its been abusy summer. Thanks for your comment.
Thank you Ocean Girl. Watching 'The Nanny' religiously? Tehehe. I am guilty of catching her from time to time.
Hello Rowe. Thank you for leaving a comment. I will definitely be checking out your blog on marriage. I love all kinds of different points of view. Have a good one!
Thanks Akilah! So far I have a 110% in his class. Huh?!? I know, I can't figure that one out either.
Hey Wendyburd1! German?!? Wow you are brave. I am just getting the hang of learning how to complete a whole sentence. Accents and all! :)
Hey Jenny Mac. Yes, I was never a fan. I know terrible.:) Thanks for the comment.
Hey Lucy girl! I am glad that in between the kids and school work I have time to blog. See you soon girl!
Hahaha Charles! My sentiments exactly! Bwahahaha!
Hey Bill! Where have you been? Are you joing us again in the blogging world? Hope to see you soon!
What is wrong with listening to Vanilla Ice at full blast? Hmmm.... Nothing!!!!
Missed you Bibi :)
i always think married life won't be easy and i think that's why i end up single until now :-P
agree with you, everything seems to be easy when money is in your hand :-)
Hey, Glad you're back.
I am a total Tori and Dean junkie~~~ I just can't help myself. Tori really IS the hardest working mom in television.
I love that Elizabeth! She is georugous!!
Now, when is the pst about why your teacher hate you coming up?? ;)
I'm a Bravo girl myself unless the Biggest Loser is on and then don't dare call me b/w 8 and 10pm on Tuesday.
Hey Tina. Glad to see that you are back online. I used to love Vanilla Ice back in the day, but now his is annoying.
I see your point Faisal! Haha.
True Joanna! She is ONE of the hardest. And still looks good doing it all!
Carina- that my dear is a blog that has to come AFTER I finish his class. I don't want to jinx myself.
I love The Biggest Loser too bernthis!
Hi Bibi, thanks for dropping by my blog and many thanks for the comment. really appreciated. nice blog you too have. Keep it up and keep in touch :)
You are so welcome Aswani. You have a cool blog yourself.
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