I'm having difficulty with my blog.
It’s not so noticeable if you are reading my blog every now and then.
You might even say it something new you’d learned about me.
Here it is: I just learned how to download to my MP3 player!
To tell you the truth I didn’t even know what it was. Computer science is not an easy class to comprehend. I had to ask my three lovely teens what it does since they own one. And I’m the one who bought it for them!
‘MP3 what’?
‘What does it do’?
‘What do you mean it won’t calculate my grocery list’?
‘Can it count how many miles I walked today’?
‘Does it tell me what song to listen to’?
‘Does it choose songs that it knows I might be interested to listen to’?
‘What do you mean it DOESN’T tell the time’?
‘What?... It can’t do my taxes? Awwww shucks I knew it was too good to be true’?
Let’s just say my children didn’t talk to me for three hours after that ‘teaching momma to catch up with the times’ orientation. Class sucks! Seriously.
Anyskittle, after 3 ½ hours of negotiating, I did finally convince them to teach me how to download songs. Songs that I like anyway.
Well, here is my music playlist. It’s only a few because I grew tired after searching for hours for songs, but if I had a choice I’d rather listen to these songs than that purple dinosaur with the big feet and lots of energy!
I guess I did believe because I’ve been married to hubby # 2 for nine years. It’ll be ten in August.
Celine Dion: ‘Because You Loved Me’. Who doesn’t love Celine Dion? Even my 6 year old hums her songs. Okay, first heard the song in the movie ‘Up Close and Personal’ and absolutely fell in love with it. Never mind that I was in a bad relationship at the time, but I held out for the hope that ‘he’ would say these words to me one day. Newsflash: It never happened.
Celine Dion: ‘My Heart Will Go On’. Okay I’m beginning to see a pattern, don’t you? I guess I’m very predictable. Anyskittle, I saw the movie Titanic four times in the movie theater, and I couldn’t let go of the song. Even now if I hear the song anywhere my eyes automatically well up. It’s that serious! Needless to say I can’t sing it and I won’t even attempt to in the shower. I’ll just let the trusty MP3 do it’s job.
Mary J. Blige: ‘Just Fine’. She is a remarkable person and has triumphed over tragedy to get where she is today. That’s not the only reason why I like the song. The tune is catchy and it’s the only chorus in which I can sing without sounding like a boy with a cold.
Lee Ann Womack: ‘I Hope You Dance’. This song is touchy to me for two reasons. The day I heard it was the day my divorce became final from the first husband. And I also received the blow of my life from a friend whose son died of cancer. He was five and he loved to dance. We could twirl him for hours on end and he’d never tire. It was his favorite pastime. I was driving to get away from the house and to mourn without the kids seeing how upset I was when this song came on over the radio. It forever changed my life and when I am alone and hear this song I twirl, cry, and dance like he would have wanted me to. I know he is looking down from heaven at me whenever I do.
Alicia Keys: ‘No One’. When I first heard this song, the hubby and I were going through a rough time in our marriage. I love the melody of this song and Alicia’s’ smooth, but rich voice. It brought faith back to me that regardless of what we go through, no one was going to come between us. I am forever grateful to Alicia.
Christina Aguilera: ‘Beautiful’. Love Christina, and love the song. It was like a natural anthem to my four oldest when it first came out because they were going through a rough time with handling the divorce and all. I made myself write the words to the song and read it to them like a lullaby. Never mind that I can’t sing, but the point got across and they were comforted. It also helped soothe their anxiety because their dad had nothing to do with them since he was starting a new life with someone else. Well, I had help in repairing my little ones broken souls. Thanks Christina.
Selena: ‘I’ll Be Dreaming’. Loved the movie, and love that J.Lo. She was remarkable in the portrayal of Selena, and I’ve been in love with Latin music ever since.
New kids On the Block: ‘Hangin’ Tough’. The first boy band that I fell in love with. Jonathan was my favorite and I loved their style, their hair, and voices. I still can listen to this song though. I seen them on the AMA awards last week and cringed as they sang. Was I really in love with them once upon a time? Did I really get that old? UGH! How time turns on you!
N*SYNC: ‘Bye Bye Bye’. Okay the second boy band that I fell in love with. Love the video as well. And Justin was so cute and little. The song really didn’t reflect any particular time in my life, I just love the beat. I don’t even know the words except bye, bye, bye.
Phil Collins: ‘You Can’t Hurry Love’. I know, I know this is an old song sung by another group, but I love the way this man sings. I even watch Tarzan over and over again with my children to hear him sing. That man can sing the dictionary and I feel like I’ve been treated to something special.
Anna Sophia Robb: ‘Keep Your Mind Wide Open’. On the ‘Bridge to Terabithia’ movie soundtrack. This is my mantra that I repeat over and over to my kids. It is true that anything is possible in this day and time as long as you believe. There is nothing like a closed mind in this world that will make other people lives miserable. The song is incredibly sweet and right for the movie. I love playing the CD while driving for a long time with the kids.
Rascal Flatts: ‘Life is a Highway’. They are incredibly cute and can sing. This track is my favorite song. Incidentally it is on the movie ‘Cars’ by Disney and I don’t mind if the kids watch it over and over again. It reflects to me that life IS a highway, and all you can do is ride it. Sometimes you make pit stops along the way, sometimes you get lost, and sometimes you ask for directions. Then you keep on moving. Life is like that. Take it one day at a time.
Welcome to the MP3 world! :) I've had my iPod for 3 years now I think. I love it! I have almost 2,000 songs on it. Great playlist you added to yours too by the way. :) N*Sync is the name of the group that sings Bye, Bye, Bye though not INSYNC. :)
Oh i have been MP3 savvy for a bit but every so often I forget something and that is where teenaged kids come in handy! Welcome to music paradise! :o)
Thanks for the comments.
Sheri, thanks for the correction. I told you I have no talents when it comes to names.;)
I love the songs! I thought it was interesting how you chose such different singing styles.
I borrow my son's iPod and use MOM'S PLAYLIST on it. :) One day he is going to rebel and make me buy my own, I just know it! :)
Life is a Highway is an AWESOME song and I sing along to it all the time. :) The kids think I am silly. :)
thanks for sharing your song list, I'm going to check out the Lee Ann Womack song. I leave the MP3 to the kids, but I did have a go at it when they first came out.
That's a really great list!
I listen to Pandora radio when blogging. Have you tried it?? You just enter a favorite song, and it creates a station with songs like it.
Thanks for stopping in - I am going back to Hollydale and work on a new post. Happy weekend to you :-)
Thanks everyone for the comments.
Speedcat Hollydale, I'll check out the website for sure!
Celine Dion is wonderful, so is Christina. Great choice of songs!
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