There’s a battle brewing in the BIBI household. (No surprise there since there are 9 people on which you can choose which toe to step on).
Why? you ask. Well, let’s just say that I didn’t hold up to my side of the bargain when I said I would clean out my side of the closet. Now my side of the closet consists of his side too.
Selfish right? I don’t think so. It’s true some of us women tend to collect more clothes than the stores that we shop at have on their racks, but who’s counting?
The hubby is! That’s why there is a battle. He has decided he is going to stake his claim as if this the land rushes of the 18th century. He has made a statement that he is here to stay and has moved my ‘stuff’ over in an attempt to stake what is rightfully his. Okay true that, but he started it.
Day 1: “Hon, what is this strange drum doing on my side of the closet? I specifically said that all of the shelving on the right side of the closet is essential to my shirts that must be kept a certain way so that I can find them in case the light doesn’t work one morning.”
“Have you ever thought about changing the light bulbs? You know you’re not that short.”
Okay; I’m 5’5”, one inch taller than a petite person and he claims I can reach a bulb two feet above my head. Um.. whatever!!
Day 2: “Hon, where did these pile of shirts come from? And their on my side of the closet! What’d you do, hit a garage sale on the way home from work?”
“NO! They are my shirts that YOU keep putting on the floor under YOUR bookshelf. I’ve decided to put them on the shelves that we both decided that would be mine. Remember?”
Point taken.
Day 3: “Babe, where did these shoes come from? I don’t remember these. And you have 7 pairs combined with mine. When’d you come up with that brilliant idea?”
“The day that we moved in. We are BOTH to share that shelf that I bought, not just you!"
Oh! The battle was on. He had no right to bring up the past.
So for the next few days, I began to put up little post-it notes in different colored ink on everything in our room and bathroom.
(shaking my head). Women. Always messing with the hubby. The innocent by-stander....
Tehehehe. (wagging my finger). Innocent by-stander? Only in his dream. :)
Okay even with all this goings on does he now fully understand (even with his smug look) that our closet and our shelf meant that you get to use as much of it as you want and he needs to find space elsewhere? Hubby does and his dresser fits nice in the storage room in the basement! LoL
Bibi I was moved by your self realization. Esp that some people have so much less. You and hubby have a good marriage and 7 kids!!! I thought you had 5.
Thanks christine. I appreciate your sincerity.
Mission accomplished!
Ha haaaaa! That was a funny post, and I can SOOO relate.
(I get notes too)
Ha! You're bad with those post-it notes. LOL!
Thank goodness we both have our own closets! I get to "hide" stuff...
That is so funny. Loved it. Hang in there. You havent lost your sense of humor. Nothing else matters!
AWWWW shucks guys, I am so humbled by your comments. Thank you.
I loved this post! At first I just thought it was going to be funny, but then you added that bit of maturity to it. Really, a terrific mix! :)
Made me think, too! :)
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