As many of you might know I've been on a quest to lose weight for a while. In December I've joined Sparkpeople in my quest to lose the weight.
You wouldn't believe it but I once weighed 110lbs soaking wet when I was nineteen years old.
- Had baby number one, gained some 'hippage'.
- Had baby number two, bra size went up one cup.
- Had baby number three, my thighs looked like two water balloons.
- Had baby number four, kept on the previous weight of babies number one, two, and three. Lost the weight when my body went on a sabbatical. I then was a trim 145 lbs.
- Had baby number five and kept the 20 lbs that I gained.
- Had baby number six and breast fed until she was 21 months old and lost over 30 lbs.
- Had baby number seven and that's all she wrote.
Until last December when I decided to join Sparkpeople. It's been hard, but well worth it. The diet is not too bad either. It is now going on week 7 of the program and I've lost some and kept some. Hubby says I am too "impatient", I said "be me for a day and see what I mean." They don't understand 'cause scientifically they lose weight faster then us women. Damn!
Now that I am 9 lbs lighter, I've decided to make myself a goal chart to further push myself into losing the weight. Here it is:
When I finally lose:
10 lbs......I'll get a manicure and pedicure.
15 lbs......I'll get a new pair of slacks.
20 lbs......I'll get a new dress one size smaller than I originally buy.
25lbs......I'll go to my families daily dinners with new confidence and a winning personality. Oh, I'll show off the new trim me as well.
30lbs......I'll dance at a club. And respond to all new comments on the "sexy mama".
35 lbs......I'll join a gym. I can now go without looking so flabby.
40 lbs......I'll exercise everyday except Sunday, to lose the last stubborn 20 lbs.
45 lbs......I'll join a Pilates class with other trim and fit looking women.
50 lbs......I'll do a song and dance for the hubby. Just to annoy him.
55 lbs......I'll get a glamour shots done at the local photo studio.
60 lbs...... I'll post my new and improved pic of me on my blog.
Well, I'm off to tackle the treadmill, and then do some kickboxing with Billy Blanks.
And how you doin'?
I'm glad I was able to share with you SparkPeople! It is really a great website. I am also very proud of you losing 9 lbs! That is great, really! It should come off at about the rate you are losing in order to keep it off. 1-3 lbs a week is a good healthy loss. :) Keep up the good work, and you have great goals to keep you focused!
Good luck with your weight loss plan. I'm impatient as well! 60 lbs? Sure you really need to lose that much? Either way, I send you positive vibes my dear.
I haven't been on my treadmill for a good week now. I'm terrible when it comes to exercise.
Applause for your 9 lbs. by the way! Woohoo!!
You go girl!
I wish you all the best on your mission. I need to make myself find the motivation. I have steadily gained weight for the last couple of years and I hate it! But I LOVE food! Especially the bad ones!! I have kept some jeans that I want to fit back into...we'll see when that happens!
Oh, Bibi! I completely get this. Although, at 19 I was 115 pounds.
So, after just 3 kids, I had 60 pounds to lose. I started at 43 years of age to lose the weight and it is NOT an easy road. I'm down 25 so far. But, it took me a YEAR.
I joined a gym in October and it was the best thing I've done so far. I've only lost about 8 pounds, but I have so much more strength now.
So, I have 35 pounds to go in order to be healthy. Ten more after that to feel GOOD about myself.
I'm really glad you posted about this because it is VERY encouraging to others to read your story. THANK YOU!
wow that sounds like a plan, Bibi...congrats on the 9 lbs so far, I know it wasn't easy
Good for you!!!
Good for you!
Thanks. I am so glad that I met you. I would not have had a successful weight loss without you. Sending my love! xoxoxoxo
I see you peeking at me! :) Thanks girl. I'll need all the good lucks that come my way. Even though the hubby likes to tempt me with little 'treats' that he leaves lying around the house.
Thank you for the comment. I know EXACTLY what you mean by the 'bad' foods. With kids, hubby and a never ending amount of relatives visiting, I am tempted by 'bad' foods all day.
Take care!
I totally understand your struggle. We are in the same boat you and I. Except you took it one step farther and went to the gym. I am NOT that brave. Yet.
Thanks. And H*** no it's not easy! But I'll get through it I guess. I hope.
Thanks girl. You betcha!
You seem VERY MUCH like the type who'll buckle down and get to where you want to be. You definitely have a lot of focus. Yo go girl!
(I bet you're a hot mamacita as it is already.)
I try Akilah, I really try!
I'm still reeling from discovering that you have 7 children. Wow! I applaud all that you are doing. Not sure that I could focus on anything with that many kids. I'm impressed!!!!
I really like that you're rewarding yourself for each of your goals. I think I'm gonna do the same thing! :)
Hey Carma,
Thank you. I try to do my best. I really LOVE days when they are in school. I can get so much done!
Hello Ashley,
I really think having a goal right in front of me helps to focus better. That, plus a family reunion coming up in April! :D
I think your 9# weight loss is PHENOMENAL! You should be really proud of yourself. In many ways, that first weight loss is the hardest. I think you have to prove it to yourself that you can do it... and now you have! :)
The gym isn't so bad. I actually go to a Wellness Center where the average age is about 60. :) I feel like a spring chicken! :) It helps that Rob goes with me every day. The dr. told him to lose weight too.
Thanks Chris,
I'll re-think about the gym thing. Perhaps I'll enjoy it!
I joined that site but I am really struggling with it so I gave up and found a whole other site that I seem to be able to sick with. I don't mind going to the gym so that is not my problem. My problem is I am addicted to food and since I can't go without it, a 12 step program will not work. The only step program that will work is at the gym but I don't like the teacher! :o)
Congrads on the 9lbs You keep going
I restarted 3 days ago and I don't get to weigh myself until next week so I will let you know how I did then!
Good luck. There's nothing more harder than trying to lose weight on your own. You have my sympathy and I will cheer you on from time to time. :)
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