Okay since it's release yesterday I have officially watched Twilight 6 times!!
I never thought I would be a Twilight fan, but here I am with my giggly teens and their friends watching the most famous romantic movie since Titanic.
Well, not Titanic, but you get the picture.
The movie is enchanting, mysterious, funny, romantic and scary. Being the scaredy-cat that I am I never thought that I would watch this movie. In my past post I mentioned that I was terrified of vampires since I was made to watch them with my mean relatives once upon a time.
And it was a simple black & white movie depicting a vampire with razor-sharp teeth, black cape, with an exaggerated walk towards his victim. I couldn't even watch 'Dark Shadows' when the new version came out in the nineties. Do you remember the old version? YUCK!

Well, I am now cured of my simple phobia and will soon be reading the second book in the series 'New Moon'. I had the hubby pick up the book 'Eclipse' from the library yesterday, because I thought that it was the next book in the series thanks to my hearts in her eyes daughter who couldn't tear her eyes away from the movie as I asked her: :"Come on tell me what happens next? What's the next book in the series? Does Bella turn into a vampire for real? What becomes of Edward? You really think Jasper is cute? OH GOD!!"

Antyways, I should be getting my new book from Amazon.com Tuesday. So if you don't hear from me in a while, its because I'm reading the book, then watching the movie, then reading the book, then watching the movie...
Well, you get the picture.
Six times?!!!! It just came out yesterday woman! LOL! Your poor eyes need a rest.
I haven't Twilight'd yet, but I will read the series to see what all the hoopla is about. It sounds interesting.
Enjoy the book!
Oh I will Akilah! And when I'm done reading it, I'll let you know!
Well, I think that is a wonderful way to spend your time! :) I've read the first 2 books in the series.
Can't wait to watch the movie! :)
I am still debating wether I should be Twilighted or not...
To be or not to be...that is the question?? What the hell...I got some extra free time now, huh?!
I'm sure I will sooner or later but, it's not the next book on my list!!
Oh my, 6 times? I watched it once, and thought it was an okay film. But still, 6 times? Then again, I know how you feel. I watched Titanic for 17 friggin times, for Pete's sake. Haha..
I haven't jumped on this bandwagon yet! Maybe, I will have to check it out!
lol. twilight is a-ma-zing!
Well if you liked the books, Chris you'll love the movie.
I haven't read the first book yet, I'll just read the second book and go on from there!
Thanks for the comment!
I agree Kylie, it was NEVER a book on my list yet I just had to see the movie with my girls and I loved it!
Thanks for the comment!
I know Jessica. I watched Titanic three times in the movie theater, then for the next 13 weeks after it was released on VHS, I watched it twice a week.
Am I obsessive? Ummm... I don't think so. LOL!
Yes Lucy take a look at it, and you might actually like it. I am surprised that I liked it sooo much.
And no guys I did not watch it today. =(
Truer words never spoken thus so far Ashley!
I so suck at trying to sound poetic!
Bibi, the more and more I hear about Twilight I feel like I might have to get over my vampire fear and read the damn books!
You make it sound so good!
I thought that I was the last person on Earth who hadn't seen or read Twilight. Glad to know that's not the case! It doesn't seem like my kind of thing, but I will probably catch it on cable some day!
Hi, I found your blog through Kylie's and wanted to say hello :).
My sister (13) is all into Twilight. I've thought about reading the book but currently I'm rebelling against following the crowd... HAHA. I may eventually have to see what all the fuss is about though.
Oh The girl is a Twilight freak! It's everything twilight for her and her gf's. I am sick of Edward (insert high octave screams)!! and I don't even know the guy, :0)
to think I have no desire to see the movie, read the book, I already have too much anxiety in my life as it is
I know exactly what you mean Kelly. I was soooo terrified of Twilight, and vampires and boogeymen....but that's beside the point. :)
Anyway, you may find that you like the movie, especially if you are a romantic type of gal!
Haha Rachel! Sounds like a plan to me!
Hi Jessica! Thanks so much for visiting!
I hope you do join the bandwagon, and I'd love to read about it on your blog one day!! *smile*
Thank you for the comment!
Thank you, thank you Mom! I am officially 'Twilight' crazy and proud of it!!LOL!
Thank you for the compliment!
Haha Jessica! You're a barrel of laughs girl! :D
Have a good one!
You have become as much of a Twilight addict as me, congratulations! :) HEhehehe. I've seen the movie 3 times since I bought it too, so don't feel bad. I've read all the books 2x each, Breaking Dawn 3x and same w/the first... I don't like New Moon that much honestly, but meh.
Yeah Sheri! I may have joined the bandwagon too late, but I am on it! Tehehehe!!
I am so jealous! I have read all of the books and totally loved them. Now I am just waiting for some cash flow so that I can see the movie!
It is such a wonderful movie Tina! I am really surprised that I enjoyed it so much.
I wish I did read book one to compare the movie to the book. *sigh* at least I'll be ready for movie #2. :)
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