Can we talk?
I am a hypocrite.
I always admonish my children for not sharing with each other. I am always reminded of the word ‘sharing’ as one of the first big words that I learned while watching
Yet sharing is the word today that eludes me as I sit here trying to write this post to you all.
I think I share a great deal of what goes on in the BIBI household. There is literally never a dull moment, which I am about to prove to you all right now.
About two weeks ago my daughter Tisha, had a seizure. I panicked and took her to the hospital the next day. It was a small seizure mind you, but it was a seizure nonetheless. Three days later I took her to St. Mary’s hospital for an EEG. The results were negative, and I was told to just watch her for the next couple of weeks.
Well, I am still watching out for any signs of a seizure, but none have manifest. While I am doing this I also had a little exchange of words with my SIL. She is not the brightest bulb in the pack, as her manner speaks for itself, but when she approached me about the children (my son and her two sons) fighting, I had to let her know in no kind terms to leave me the f*$# alone with such nonsense.
And the children weren’t fighting with fists or sticks, but just fooling around and pushing each other around and exchanging heated words. As much as an eight, six, and three year old could muster up from their imagination. Have any of you ever called another kid ‘Butt-naked’ and thought it was a bad word? That’s as far as their extensive vocabulary would let them be imaginative. *SIGH* to be a kid again.
Next, the daring rides that I bi-weekly undertake to
Let me tell you, that one hour and thirty minute ride is not for the weak stomached. He literally nods off behind the wheel and says that he is okay. I won’t dare ask him to let me drive, I’m too busy crumbled up into a ball in my seat so as not to watch the beautiful world pass me by before my premature and imminent death, praying to God which whom I haven’t had a conversation with all week.
All of this on top of having a snow storm that knocked out our power for a full 24 hours, leaving us cold, hungry and without telephone service. The only comfort was that I could call my friend on my cell phone in
My children were out of school for the whole week while my poor little town shut down for the eight inches of snow that we received, only to go back to school on Friday. The school board has now decided to extend the school year until May 22nd. That is something to look forward to. Another whole week of silence so that I can relax with a good book and do more laundry.
But despite all of the exciting things that have happened in the last three weeks I did get a new stove and decided to redecorate the kitchen. The local diner at the truck stop is going to love seeing us all come into their joint everyday for dinner for the next three to four days. All eight of us, who have only managed to get a bowl of cereal and one of those microwaves snacks until dinnertime. Now I know how those people feel on ‘Spice Up My Kitchen’ on HGTV.
Well, now that I am done sharing my exciting past weeks, I’ve got to finish my assignments for school and prepare for finals coming up in the weeks ahead. I think I’ve done my fair share of sharing. No pun intended.
I hope the counseling works out for you. How does hubby feel about it?
I do the nodding thing, too, and say I'm alright. But the wife recognizes it and does what needs to be done to keep me awake - get me talking! Try that - worse case scenario is the hubby bores YOU to sleep. :)
Haha! The counseling is working out great for us.
I can honestly say that now because some of my earlier posts regarding the hubby have been very harsh.
I'll try the talking thing to him. He sometimes just fiddles with the radio and blasts it until I am death in one ear.
Thanks for the comment and for asking. You have a great weekend!
In-laws are not the most fun people, at least you told her off good, and got it off your chest.
so much in this post...You have me freaked out hearing about your husband nodding off. Mine is rarely fully alert either which is why I do 95% of the driving (outside of his driving himself to and from work, etc.) A friend used to tease me about it but now she is in full agreement :-) I'd rather not chance it!
Glad to hear your daughter is OK. So scary!
A revamped kitchen and an extra week that you will be kid-free while they are at school - This is good news!! I hope you do take the time to relax with a book :-)
Maybe I missed it in an earlier post, but what degree are you studying for? My parents are encouraging me to go back to school. I'm feeling like by the time I get another degree I will have aged myself out of the market; but I know that it is not too late. The years are passing by and I believe there is so much more I could have achieved. Kind of bums me out; but enough about me!!!!!
Hang in there!
Glad to hear the counseling is helping!
Hope your daughter is ok now! That would be scary! :(
Yeah for extra school days for the kids and rest for you!!
I think Mr Bill's right...just keep the hubby talking as to not nod off!
It's not uncommon for young kids to have a seizure without them having further ones. HOpefully no more will follow. My thoughts are with you.
I'm so sorry about your daughter! Hopefully it doesn't happen again. Eek!
How old is your daughter who had the seizure? My niece started to have them last year and, while it's not uncommon for young children, my niece was already 12 years old. Doctors are still unsure of what the real reason is, but she's been on some medication and has been doing a daily journal of what she eats, feels, does and then makes note of whether or not she seizures. Hopefully she'll be okay!
And UGH about the in-laws. Don't even get me started these days... haha.
Yes, I am glad that I got that off of my chest, Christine. We are now talking, as I've learned not to hold a grudge for very long.
It does my heart no good. :)
I know Carma, I digress too much. But it is good to talk about it instead of bottling it all up.
I am right now pursuing two degrees. One is in General Studies (Liberal Arts)and another degree in nursing (R.N)
Yes I am a busy mom. Now you see why I couldn't sit back and argue with my sister-in-law.
Have a good one Carma! :)
Oh yeah it is turning out great. i can't complain. We have to just keep working on it.
Truthfully, I think it will be a good 18 months before we feel really comfortable leaving our therapist and trying things on our own.
Thanks for your well wishes on my daughter. She is doing well and is in the kitchen microwaving something right now.
And yes, I am looking forward to that extra week of the children being in school.
You have a good one Kylie. :)
I am so hoping no more will follow as well Charles. Thanks for your condolences!
I hope it doesn't either. Thank you Ashley for your well wishes!
First, the blog layout is fierce! You know how I love my wider layouts. It took poking and prodding to get me to slim up for a little while. LOL!
Glad to hear you haven't seen any signs from your daughter and the seizure wasn't one of the grand mal ones. Hope she'll be alright.
Ha! You told someone to eff off. Wow! I'd love to do that one day. It's overdue for some people...
Have fun redecorating the kitchen!
When he's looking sleepy, roll down the window and blast the music. Or try to think of some car games he can play while remaining focused on driving. Even if it's childish and concerns counting all the red cars. Maybe movie trivia and you can keep score. Good luck with the counseling, my dear. Glad to hear it's going great.
My daughter is 12 now. She just made twelve on the seventh of this month.
I'm sorry to hear about your niece. Isn't it something that they both are the same age? Ohhhhh!!
You think it's that going into preteen age and not an adolescent anymore stage of life?
But thanks for your condolences Gemmerzz.
Oh yeah, in-laws. *SIGH* Life is too damn short! :)
Thanks Akilah. I didn't know I had it in me to pull off such a stunt such as the new layout. You made my day! :)
Thanks for thinking about my daughter. She is doing well now. Thanks for your condolences!
Yeah my SIL had it coming. She really has a lot of growing up to do.
Yeah, when I am repainting the walls in the kitchen I'll be thinking of you Akilah! :D
I'm going to try that. Counting red cars will keep him occupied for a good while! He'll probably stay up though.
I could even try counting out-of-state license plates as well.
Thanks Akilah! Have a good one! :)
I had your wrong blog address! Thank goodness you started commenting and I saw Gemmerez mention one posts. I was like, something is up. Now, I am all caught up. Loved the week at the gym, I was rolling.
Thanks for sharing and sometimes you just have to let the kids work it out!
wow the sleepy thing scared me! I would so be not letting him put me or the kids in the car! I know there is little you can do other then pray and now you will know I am praying for you also. The move prayers the louder the voice and the more chance of it being heard
Wow you have some much going on. I hope your daughter is ok now and its good that it has been discovered and you know what you are dealing with. Counselling? Well done to you both, it's not always easy to do it but I think its a great move and you must have done well. Your SIL clearly has less to worry about than most of us. You have to laugh. New stove, new kitchen, woo hoo! Hey and I like your header too. Love the images. Keep smiling. To do all you do and study means you are one clever woman. Seriously!
Like the new blog look!
I'm sorry to hear of the troubles you've had the last couple of weeks. Seems to be a bad month for a lot of people.
I'm glad to hear your daughter is ok.... Seizures are scary and I couldn't imagine watching my child go through one.
I can totally relate with the part about your husband falling asleep. I have to constantly pinch mine so that he will stay awake. The worst part was that I just started driving last year, so he always drove. SCARY!
I hope this is a better week for you. Oh, yeah would love to see pics of the new kitchen look when it's done!
I hope that your daughter is all right, that is so scary!
Good luck with the finals!
I hope your daughter is okay and doesn't have anymore seizures! Also, i hope the therapy goes well for you and your husband. :)
Bibi... since you stopped doing that one post a month thing, you've stopped posting. I'm not happy about this. I need my daily fill o' Bibi!
I gave you an award.
My Blogger Dashboard thing wasn't updating you, so I had to unfollow and re-follow you to fix it, it is working now! Yay!
Hi Bibi !
Sounds like a whirlwind of activity over in your corner of the world. Hope your daughter is doing well.
Hello Lucy,
I'm sorry you lost my blog address, I thought I updated everyone. Believe me it won't happen again!
Thanks for your concerns and your kind words.
Yeah, and once the kitchen is done I'll TRY to post pics on my blog.
I am no computer savvy person, I just try my best!
Love ya!
Hey Mom,
You're scared! I'm mortified!! Believe me every chance that I get I drive when the kids are in the car. (said in a whiny voice) But he is such a good chauffeur. LOL!
Thanks for commenting!
Big hugs and love
Thanks Lilly, i believe that the hubby and I have grown more because of the counseling. You can never get enough help to be a better person.
Thanks for your concern for my Tisha. She is a darling and as I type she is getting some pain meds for her headaches. So far, so good no seizures thank goodness!
Oh yeah, the SIL is really a piece of work!
Love ya! *BIBI*
Thank you Tina!
Love the bit about pinching the hubby to stay awake. LOL! I never thought of that one. Will have to try next week when we go. Haha!
Thanks for the comment on the blog look! It's just me, getting bored and having to do something different. I think I have it now and I am satisfied with the look.
Would love to share the pics on the blog when I am done. If they are ever done. ah well, it's the price you pay for a pretty kitchen! Haha!
Thanks for your well wishes Kelly. She is doing well. I just have to watch her and the headaches.
Thanks for your well wishes Sheri! She's doing okay, and I just have to watch her and these headaches.
I'm glad you got the following thing fixed. I would hate to lose you.
Take care!
Thanks Ashley, that is so sweet of you.
I will try to post more on a daily basis, I promise! :)
Not as busy as you in Hollydale, Speedcat. Haha!
Thanks for your concern. Have a good one!
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