I have now officially joined the fan club of Janna Bee. She is a mom ( like me), sweet (more than me), is funny (I am trying), and loves her hubby (well three out of four is not too bad).
Just joking people! I love the hubby. As you can see, he is my favorite subject. LOL!
Antyways, I have the real deal here and what has made my week thus so far!
I fiercely felt like I was suffocating and then realized that I was having a good all panic attack. Yeah Monday!Kids got on the bus okay, tried to get on the computer (failed 'cause of the lovely eyes), wanted to exercise but the treadmill yelled at me, so I did the next best thing. Slept until midday and then ordered in for pizza from Domino's for dinner. Kids are so grateful and sooo easy to please!
Cried with the hubby as we watched little girl who was killed in CA mother cry as she tried to talk to Matt Lauer on the Today show. We haven't shared an intimate moment like that in a long time. I then realized that you can be very intimate just sharing a tearful moment together. We prayed for all the little boys and girls who are missing their moms and dads, and for all the moms and dads whose little ones are still missing.Got on the computer and learned that Mrs. GB gave me an awesome award. Thanks girlfriend!
Watched DWTS without any pain, then caught 'The Biggest Loser' and cried. I so felt so guilty that I didn't exercise with Jillian.
Kids went to bed with no complaints. Hubby stole into bed at exactly 11:30 PM and didn't snore until 2 AM.
Made an appointment with Dr. W for my eyes. Was very nervous but in too much pain to put up a fight. My insurance wouldn't cover the exam, but the receptionist assured me that I will be reimbursed by the insurance company since that insurance is not being covered for any vision eye care in the area. Love the country!Watched the History channel and learned the real significance behind Passover. I love learning something new everyday!
Watched a new episode of 'LOST' and thoroughly enjoyed it. Minus the washcloth, just sat back and relaxed. Help was on the way!
Got my meds and new glasses prescription filled. Applied the magic eyedrops and instantly felt better. Hubby was there supporting me every step of the way. He went into work late because of me, but he is such a dear.Thanked Oprah as I caught the last half-hour of her show with Dr. Laura Bergman as she talked about explaining masturbation and pleasure to your daughters. Essentially, it was all about the "sex talk". I will be blushing for a whole month as I remember my Divas' face of horrorification as she listened to something that I have NEVER thought to discuss. Kudos to Oprah. You now have mothers everywhere like me wondering will they get 'those' questions.
Watched 'CSI' without any pain, and 'Harper's Island'. Felt grateful that my eyes were getting some relief and I was able to watch TV without any pain.
Slept well that night in more than a month.
Grateful to see that Virginia Tech is now ready to open Norris Hall after the deadly shooting that claimed the lives of sooo many innocent people. I am just glad that hubby decided to take a semester off when the shooting did occur. My condolences to those who lost loved ones in that unnecessary massacre.Watched the news and was relieved to see that the economy or the stock market seems to be leveling off somewhat. Okay, but some kind of news is better than no news.
And how did your week go? Enjoy the Easter weekend everyone!
glad you're feeling better. I LOVE The Biggest Loser and my freakin TIVO didn't record last week. I had to catch snippits on Hulu.com.
I'm so pissed.
I didn't realize your hubs worked at the university. What a horrible horrible thing. My prayers go out to those parents as well.
I'm glad you had a good week overall...Happy Easter!
Glad you're feeling better and able to do the things you love without pain. Even though I'm not a mother, I thought that Oprah show was one of the BEST I've seen. I sure don't remember my mom talking to me about masterbation but, I think it's a great idea. There was a lot of 'outrage' from some viewers about that show but I thought they did a wonderful job explaining the thought process. Empower your daughters!!
Have a happy Easter!!
I hope next week flows a bit more smoothly.
Gosh! you had a good week, minus a few bumps.
You and your husband seem to be getting more and more on the same page- wonderful!!
And yes, JannaBee is sweeter than all of us! Note to self: work on my sweetness :-)
Have a Happy Easter Bibi!
Seems like you found some good stuff this week to get you through!
Have a Happy Easter:)
P.S. I too am glad Janana Bee is sooo sweet and she thought of this positive post and you have climbed on board to add to the fun!!!
Okay, I missed Lost this week and fell asleep about 15 mintues into Harper's Island! Shoot!
Thanks Bernthis! I'm sorry if I came across as not clear when I said that the hubby decided to take off that semester. He was there as a student and decided to take some time off from school that semester.
Even so, student, teacher, the massacre is still sad because the innocent were brutally murdered and we now have to be their voice for stricter gun control.
Thanks for your comment Jessica!
Thanks Cyndi!
I hope your week was good as well!
*blushing* Ummm... yeah Kylie.
If they do begin to ask I will try to explain in the most positive way that I can.
Why were viewers in such an uproar? Maybe because they didn't think of it first and are just hatters. HAHAHA!
Thanks Kylie for the comment. Being open and honest is the best way to converse with our daughters. My mom did little talking but I got the gist of it anyway!
Thanks Charles! I think it will.
Hope you have a good week as well!
Thanks Carma! I am learning slowly but surely how to count my blessings. Day by day. Hour by hour. Minute by minute.
Have a good one girl!
Definitely never a dull moment in the BIBI household! LOL!
It gets me by and I am not complaining. :-)
Tehehe Rachel. Well, we moms kinda always miss something after we take care of the brood all day Huh?!?
You have a good one Rachel okay!
Hey there young lady.
I've been out of the loop like crazy lately.
I DO NOT look forward to sex talks with my son and daughter, but I do look forward to locking on their male and female chastity belts! Woohoo!
Glad to see that you are back Akilah!
I cringe at the thought of talking about sex to the young ones as well! I don't know what it is. I can talk about flatulence, bad breath, bad childhood, the hubby with people that I have never met.
But talk about sex with my innocent babes?!? Nope! Can't do.
I will work up the courage one day!
Have a good one!
Aww... thanks for the kind words. I hope you had a great Easter!
Happy Easter!
I have a few awards for you to pick up over at my Blog. :)
What a week you had. Loved hearing about it all. Loved the idea of the Oprah show too - wonder when we will get to see it here.
I just got my new contacts! OMG they felt so good. I mean, I couldn't feel them which was wonderful. My poor eyeballs. I'm not very good to them...
You are so welcome Janna Bee! I love your blog and I am glad that I have participated in the Friday Favorites. I will especially this week.It keeps everything in perspective.
Have a good one!!
Hey Sheri,
Thanks for the awards. I will blog about them soon, but first I have to get something off of my chest before I go ballistic!!
Thanks again.
Hey Hillbilly Willy! Thanks for looking me up. But where have you been? :D
I will post soon.
Hello Lilly. Sorry I haven't been in contact lately. You will soon learn why.
Hope you get to see the Oprah show soon. My cheeks are still burning even now when I think about it! LOL!
Ditto Heather! I have the glasses now but I still don't wear them like I am suppose to!
*slapping hand* bad BIBI! bad BIBI!
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