Fail...try again...and fail better...I think this is one of the best pieces of advice I've ever heard. Whatever it is that you're talking about...good luck with your endeavours!
How sweet! Congrats on the award...I think you're getting a power trip! hehe. I'm joking. I see that it took you a while to put up the post but...that's no biggy right? you did it...eventually...hehe . have a great day.
Unrehearsed, no scripts, real life as I know it. This 30-something mom/wife/college student/sister/daughter makes no apologies for talking about her children (love all 7 of them), the hubby (currently my favorite subject), and the not so peaceful world around me (laughter is the best medicine). So take a look, read and comment. I so enjoy the company!
Right on!
I'm watching and waiting. I hope all of the "drama" isn't too bad.
Great Quote!
Miss your posting, hope all is well and will keep looking for updates.
Great quote....Love your blog...I am a new blogger and found your blog tonight. I will be back to read more....
would love for you to visit me....
Happy Sunday!
Nice poster with good words to TRY to live by!
very inspiring; but wait, did you say "drama"?? Now you've really got my attention ;-)
Uh oh...
Hope everything is okay!
Very good quote! Thanks for posting it with us :)
You have spoken wise words. If is so worth sharing.
Fail...try again...and fail better...I think this is one of the best pieces of advice I've ever heard.
Whatever it is that you're talking about...good luck with your endeavours!
Nah! Not too bad. I just had an epiphany about my life.
Better late than never!
Thank you Lucy for your concern. I am alright, just trying to get everything in order before I write it all down and scare everyone!
Thanks for visiting Teresa!
I love your little blog. I will definitely be reading more of you and your beautiful family.
Thanks again for the comment!
Hey Mom,
Happy Sunday to you as well!
And Monday.
And Tuesday.
And Wednesday.
You have a good one!
Oh yes Christine! Definitely something to live by.
Thanks for your comment.
Hey Carma,
Sorry for visiting regularly. I am getting myself straight now.
You will soon find out why. :)
Thanks Rachel for your concern. Everything is okay, just busy as heck and just getting prepared to sit down and tell everyone ALL about it!
Thanks Charles for your comment!
You are a doll!
Thank you Sheri. I am happy to share with you all.
Thanks for the comment!
Thank you Stone. I am so happy to share this quote with you.
Have a good one!
How sweet! Congrats on the award...I think you're getting a power trip! hehe. I'm joking. I see that it took you a while to put up the post but...that's no biggy right? you did it...eventually...hehe . have a great day.
Hey Stone!
Thanks Yet. I've come back down to earth now! :)
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