Have we really found the fountain of youth? The secret to living longer? It’s no myth according to some analysts, and it’s called “The Blue Zone”. These are the areas in which scientist say the people who live here, live longer.
The segment featured
Studies done have indicated that those in “The Blue Zone” have lived longer due to:
a) Genetics. (Mine are not too bad. We could eliminate some of the ‘fat’ genes though.)
b) No smoking. (Okay I sneak a little ciggy here and there now and again.)
c) Diet. (Working on it!)
d) Zest for life. (My motto is: smile while you’re making it, laugh while you’re taking it, even though you’re faking it, nobody’s gonna know!)
e) Religion. (Since I think about religion as much as getting a tooth pulled I rarely go into long discussions about it. But I believe that having faith in something bigger than you (e.g. a higher power) can have some health benefits. It’s called faith. Some do prayer. I just thank God that when he sees me on the caller ID he doesn’t hang up because he does answer some of my prayers.)
Okay genetics is a biggie. We totally don’t know what is in store for us if you have no idea about your families’ history. Family-wise my gene pool has high-blood pressure, bad breath (not that I have any), diabetes, sarcasm, cussing, cancer, yakking too much about nothing syndrome, incontinence, heart disease, ADHD, and too much girth in the middle that just stays with you. Hmmm… according to this I should be keeling over at any minute, or at least in the hospital with a diaper on and a constant supply of breath mints.
Smoking. To smoke or not to smoke? It is ever debatable in my family since 1 out of every 3rd person in my family does smoke. I only smoke occasionally (two ciggy’s a week) but according to this research you shouldn’t have none. Okay, *inhaling ciggy* let me know when you are finished *exhaling* reading this *blowing smoke circles* story.
Diet. Okay they emphasize that fresh is best. Fresh veggies, and fresh fruit. Living virtually as vegetarians/vegans. Shucks. That counts me out. I love a turkey ham sandwich with some mayo, mustard, on double fiber bread. Health nut? Not really. But I try to watch what I eat. (Trying is only half the battle)
Zest for life. Okay, some say that laughter is the best medicine. One thing remarkable about the people interviewed in
Religion. Okay this is a tough one, but virtually whoever you are praying to is obviously looking out for you because you are doing alright so far. I hope.
This research is purely based on the fact that they kept records of these individuals and realized that a fifty year old man has a greater chance of making 90 than a man residing in the
So if you and the significant other want to keep the longevity in your life, you might want to consider moving to one of these ‘Blue Zones’ and keep the zesty, happy, free of bad genetics, fresh diet, with lots of prayer life that you are used to. If you don’t keel over when having sex at 120 and your partner is two months shy of 125.
"Family-wise my gene pool has high-blood pressure, bad breath (not that I have any), diabetes, sarcasm, cussing, cancer, yakking too much about nothing syndrome, incontinence, heart disease, ADHD, and too much girth in the middle that just stays with you. Hmmm… according to this I should be keeling over at any minute, or at least in the hospital with a diaper on and a constant supply of breath mints."
Interesting post my dear! The Blue Zone, eh? Hmm..
You are insane! Sarcasm, cussing, yakking too much about nothing syndrome, etc. LOL! I think we all have a little of that floating in the gene pool. The yakking is all over my fam and the Hubster's as well. Guess I should tape the kid's mouths shut NOW! ;) They are already exhibiting the talking gene.
But seriously, this is very interesting.
Haha!! I love reading your blog!! Have a great weekend!! I'll be trying to lengthen my life span!!
I see that you and I have similar morning tv habits! One of the other places was Sardinia. I've got a post coming up about my dream to retire to Sardinia- especially now that I know it is in The Blue Zone!!!
I think its great for some to live to be that old, but I personally don't want to be that old... 80s or 90s is just fine for me :)
okay Bibi
She is one sexy-bitch! LoL
I had to read your blog twice because I was still laughing from the picture
I try Akilah, really I do, but I can't help it. You see it's in my genes! :)
Well Kylie I hope you can do it. I don't know if I could look that good as the woman in the pic.
Sardinia huh Carma? I've got to look that one up. Can't wait for your post!
I agree with you Sheri. I often tell the kids I don't want to go past 72. But if I do that's okay as well.
Isn't she mom? I found it just by googling and there she was larger than life itself! :-D
I like the 'zest for life' one. Too bad we can't do anything about genetics (yet). Woouldn't mind living too long if I'm healthy.
Good article.
My 130 yaer old partner is a green lady from the Blue Zone.
HA HAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi BIBI :-)
Bwahahahaha! Speedcat you are too hilarious! Can't wait to meet her when I come to visit you in Hollydale!
Sounds like quite a lot of work to keep up with all this. I think I better have another beer or two before I starting thinking about it. ;)
LOL Charles. I don't blame you. I'll have a ciggy with you as well! :-D
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