“A Diva is a female version of a hustler…”
Excuse me Mrs. Jay-Z, but I think a Diva is much more than a person who will sell or get anything by questionable or aggressive means. (Thanks Webster)
Some may say a Diva is a spoiled biatch who wants to get her way and only her way by either manipulating or ordering people around solely because she thinks she is God’s greatest gift to man and the only one in existence.
Sounds like something my son would say about his sis Tia.
She is a princess, and her heart is in the right place. She is very helpful around the house. Baby sits whenever I ask, as long as she gets paid her free time.
Around that time of the month, Tia makes it known that she wants to be left alone. She pulls the covers over her head and announces to me in particular everyone that she is not getting out of bed for anyone. She speaks her mind so articulately.
At dinner time Tia will argue with her siblings about who will set the table, wash and dry the dishes and mop the floor every night because she doesn’t want to cares so much. Even though I have set up a schedule for who is to do what every night, she does have a break every other night. She knows just how to get a job done.
When the clothes need to be separated and folded after I do all the laundry Tia will bribe persuade Tamara (who is just six), to put away her big sis's clothes for a bag of gummy worms. Tamara does it and Tia now owes her 7 bags of gummy worms, 2 lollipops and 1 bag of Hershey kisses. Any day now Tamara is waiting for her reward for being such a good little sucker sister. She just has to stop asking Tia so many questions, and maybe she’ll find it all miraculously appear on her bed one day.
If sickness befalls the BIBI household and Tia happens to get the sniffles catch the bug, then everyone has to attend to Tia. I anyone not sick in the house will bring her hot tea with a freshly squeezed lemon with 1 tablespoon of honey. I they plump up her pillows, and massage her feet, and make sure that her room is not too hot or too cold. She is made comfortable even if it means getting out of bed at 2 AM to pass her the glass of water on her nightstand table. She was too weak to reach that far.
So, I think that Mrs. Jay-Z should rewrite her song to say that a Diva articulates what she wants, how she wants it, when she wants it, without any questions asked.
I am a proud momma of a Diva. My daughter's behavior is just a product of someone else's imagination.
I think "diva" definitely has more than one meaning.
How old is Tia? She is going to have her stuff in check! Ha!
mmm, if my mom had a blog, she might have posted this exact same post about me. haha!
wait -- i should clarify. she wouldn't say that about me NOW. i'm 28, for christ's sake! haha. i meant, when i was younger. :)
Ohhhh The girl is jealous of Diva she has someone to bribe, um... have around as a younger sibling. She asked me for a little sister or brother. I told her unless it just became legal to steal someone else's kids she has no hope of that happening. :o)
I have to admit...I was Tia when I was about ten years old, or so. I use to get Rae to do EVERYTHING for me!! Gotta love being the Big Sis!! ;)
"I am a proud momma of a Diva. My daughter's behavior is just a product of someone else's imagination."
I love this line! (and this post!)
Hopefully she will Akilah! Tia is 16 and will be seventeen this November. The fun has just begun! :)
Hello GEMMERZZ! LOL! Your mom still loves you no matter what you did. It's not only our duty to love our daughters, but it's a privilage to love them as well.
No matter what Tia does, she is still my baby! :-D
Thanks for stopping by! I hope to see more of you soon.
Bwahahaha mom. That's funny.
No seriously if you want some kids you are welcome to have mine. :0)
I totally agree Kylie. I am the big sis and STILL get the little sibs to do my bidding. Only in an older, more mature fashion.
Thanks Cyndi. That means a lot coming from such a writer as your self! :)
Too funny! She is a beautiful girl (and smart, too!) But I bet it's not too long before lil sis catches on to her "game."
My daughter's a Diva too! Sometimes you just want to put her in her place..then you say..what's the point? Let her have her moment.
Indeed Carma! But little sis is a little smarter than I give her credit for. She just wants candy I think. LOL! :D
So right Christine. Just let her have her moment while I contemplate what chocolate bar to ravage while I am so frustrated. LOL!
But, it's these moments that I treasure, because I know they won't last long!
HA HA - Excuse me Mrs. Jay-Z is the best line ever!
There's nothing wrong with a girl who exibits strong attitude, she needs it for when she has to deal with men! (Maybe they will have to deal with her instead, to which I say - good for Tia!)
Hi Bibi! I left you some love on my blog...check it out when you have a minute!!
So right Punky Bean! Tia definitely has the attitude to deal with men. And little sisters. And her mom. And just about anyone who gets in her way!
Thanks for the comment!
Thanks Kylie! Will do! :)
Uh oh. I think I have a Diva in training at my house. Thanks for the heads up on what to expect!!!
You are so welcome Rachel. Thanks for stopping by!
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